Author: admin

Book: Aachen nach ’45

In 1945, the city of Aachen was in ruins. How should it be rebuilt? As a reconstruction of the city? Many important decisions were ahead. This topic was worked on and analysed by students in cooperation with the teaching department. The result is now available

Constructing Knowledge

Conference, Aachen, 5-6 November 2009 There are repeated calls at university level for architects to excel in research as well. This is something that does not come easily to the discipline, which is attuned between practice and teaching. The "Constructing Knowledge / Das Wissen der Architektur" conference


Sound worlds and sound bodies from man to city Interdisciplinary & International Conference, RWTH Aachen University, 9-10 July 2009 There is neither silent architecture nor is there a silent city. Even if no one would dispute this assertion, architects and planners hardly ever consider the sonic dimension