Lecture Architectural Theory in the module KuHG 1: Figures of Architectural Theory

Lecture Architectural Theory in the module KuHG 1: Figures of Architectural Theory


(1,5 SWS / 3 ECTS)

Language:       German 

Time:                Tuesday, 9 April 2024, 16:30 – 18:00 (first date), weekly event

Room:               Hörsaal EPH, Schinkelstr. 2, 3. OG  (1090 Rogowski-Gebäude, 321)

Lecturer:           Prof. Axel Sowa

The lecture “Architectural Theory” offers access to the theories of architecture in the period from 1770 to 1980 and opens up the cultural-historical contexts of Classicism, the Enlightenment and Modernism, in which intentions and architectural ideas are articulated. Architectural theory is presented as a conscious, intentional, symbolising and sometimes norm-critical process. It therefore examines built reality in the light of authors’ declarations, rules, treatises, dogmas and doctrines. Students acquire the ability to understand the theoretical foundations of building and design practice and to categorise them in their respective cultural and intellectual-historical contexts. The subject enables students to critically analyse manifestos, treatises and authors’ declarations with which the authors of the texts justify and comment on their architectural activities.