Lecture Architectural Theory in the module KuHG 1: Figures of Architectural Theory

Lecture Architectural Theory in the module KuHG 1: Figures of Architectural Theory


(1,5 SWS / 3 ECTS)

Language:       German 

Time:                Wednesday, 10 April 2024, 16:30 – 18:00 (first date), weekly event

Room:              Hörsaal EPH, Schinkelstr. 2, 3. OG  (1090 Rogowski-Gebäude, 321)

Lecturers:        Prof. Axel Sowa / Prof. Alexander Markschies

The departments of Art History and Architectural Theory are jointly offering the module KUH IV (PO 2019) in the summer semester 2024 and have designed a hybrid course for this purpose. It consists of a series of city walks supplemented by lectures. The event will initially focus on one area: the city of Aachen and its immediate surroundings. We would like to carry out field research in this area. We will collect geological, climatic, infrastructural, legal, economic, historical and architectural data. Memorable finds, which we will bring back from our first forays through the research area, will provide us with an introduction to an in-depth study of local features, their origin and their significance. From a methodological point of view, the event takes up suggestions from the practice of history workshops and the science of walks. Both approaches were developed in the 1970s and will be re-tested and methodically supplemented with a view to today’s context. Finding and interpreting sources is just as much a part of the joint field research as the description and cartographic recording of situations. The aim is to create references that bring us closer to the complex subject of the “city” across the boundaries of academic disciplines.