Bachelor-Thesis – Positions of Architectural Criticism

Bachelor-Thesis – Positions of Architectural Criticism


8 x 0,3 SWS/ 15 ECTS

Language: German

Time: Tuesdays 10.10.2023, 14:00 – 16:00 (first date), weekly course

Room: Teaching and research area architectural theory

Lecturer: Prof. Axel Sowa/Ramona Schäfer, MA

Architectural criticism makes an essential contribution to the building process, which it puts up for discussion, comments on and assesses. Architectural criticism opens up access to built reality. It clarifies values, thoughts and intentions that underlie architectural activity. Architectural criticism illuminates the conditions under which architecture was created by reporting on resistance and how it was overcome. Architectural criticism provides orientation by naming standards for the classification and evaluation of conceived and built architecture.

Architectural criticism is to be examined and tested as part of the Bachelor’s thesis for the winter semester 2023-24. In the course of the project, students will have the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the media and forms of architectural criticism. As part of a methodological introduction, we will discuss the techniques of research, analysis and writing on the basis of authoritative contributions to architectural criticism. In the second part of the course, students will write their own texts.


24 October 2023: Presentation of the Bachelor’s thesis (digital, time and link will be announced by the Dean of Studies Office).

3 November 2023: Issue of the Bachelor thesis, first colloquium,

2 February 2024: Submission of the bachelor’s thesis,

5-8 February 2024: Bachelor examinations.