Wahlfach – Matter and Sensoriality – Explorations and Exhibitions
Wahlfach – Seminar Master 3 ECTS (in English)
The question of the durability of materials, or their ephemerality, affects not only the architectural form but also our senses. How does matter appear to us? What is the visual, olfactory, acoustic and haptic sensation of building matter? In this seminar we will address the question of matter, under its various technical, sensory and aesthetic aspects. We will ask how material aspects can be exhibited to involve spectators in sensory experiences. In our seminar we will look back to outstanding exhibitions: notably the Osaka 70′ world expo, the great exhibition Les Immatériaux (Centre George Pompidou, 1985), curated by Jean-François Lyotard, as well as the exhibition Materiality-Immateriality (kyoto ddd gallery, 2016), curated by Murielle Hladik. The philosopher Jean-François Lyotard explored the states of matter and highlighted the new „immateriality“ (of networks, information, etc.) specific to our post-modern condition. We will continue in this exploration of „matter“ and „immateriality“, two terms which continue to challenge or imagination and creativity.
Lecturer: Dr. Murielle Hladik
First Session: Donnerstag, der 20. October 2022, 12:15, Seminarraum SO4, Auditoriengebäude C.A.R.L., Claßenstraße