
Sustainable Hoogcruts

In the coming years, the challenges of climate change will require the collaboration of experts, including architects with expertise in natural materials, recycling technologies, and a vocation for situated experimentation. The aim of this M1 course is to address crucial themes in this domain of

Earth-Sheltered Homes

This elective course is dedicated to the relationship between the earth, shelters and dwellers. In particular, we will take as our field of analysis a series of contemporary do-it-yourself handbooks for earth-sheltered homes published since the 1970s, in the United States, in response to the

Japanese Gardens and Landscapes

This elective course will be dedicated to Japanese gardens, landscapes and architecture. This elective course will be dedicated to Japanese gardens, landscapes and architecture. Our journey through the art of garden history will start from particular garden types where the observer perceives the scenery from

Lecture series: “Stadtzugänge”

The departments of Art History and Architectural Theory will jointly offer the modules KUH IV (PO 2019) in the summer semester 2032, and have designed a hybrid course for this purpose. It consists of a series of urban walks supplemented by lectures. The city of

FF Uzunyala Rural Research

In a series of workshops, we will use ethnographic methods (travel books, observations, interviews, mapping) to explore the history and the transformation of Uzunyayla. We will study exemplarily the two villages of Örensehir and Sacayagi, and their typical building and living culture.